A Special Study regarding the word "Easter."
This week we will take a look at the word "Easter, and trace it
back to ancient England. Today Easter is a purely Christian term,
however it has a very dark past indeed. Now I am sharing this with
you not to ruin your Easter Celebration, but to share the truth with
you. Also let us keep in mind that most Christian Holidays came
from ancient pagan Holidays as well.
The word "Easter" does not appear even one time in the Original
Transcripts. After all there are no Hebrew or Greek words for it. In
the Original Manuscripts it uses the Hebrew word [ pesach ] which
means Passover, the same applies to the New Testament in the
Greek Transcripts [ paschal ] as well. In fact the first time that
Easter ever appeared in our Bible was with the very first King James
Bible in the 1600's, and it was used only one time in that Bible,
that was in ( Acts 12:4 ) where it was substituted for the word
Passover, by whom we do not know.
So where did the word "Easter" come from anyway? Surprise,
surprise, a Pagan Holiday which was in honor of a their goddess of
the dawn, of spring, and of reproduction. So let us begin.....
Now an ancient Babylonian legend had it that a giant egg fell from
heaven, was rolled ashore by the little fishes, and hatched by doves
into Ishtar, or Aahtoreth. This legend over time became known even
in Europe, and became firmly entrenched in ancient Britain and was
celebrated during the Vernal Equinox. The name Ashtoreth was
transliterated into the Gaelic tongue as "Eastre." This was a form of
Baal worship. ( One might note that whenever Baal worship was
practiced, it included animal and human sacrifices involving children!
During this festival pagan priests called Druids preformed religious
rites involving dancing around phallic pillars, temple prostitution, and
sacrifices in honor of Eastre. Also eggs have always been associated
with her, and wherever Baal worship has appeared. Thus Easter eggs
are part of the ancient celebration of the goddess as well. The Easter
Bunny is a more recent twist on an ancient theme, inspired by the
same spirit, rabbits have long been associated with reproduction and
with Ashtoreth, or Eastre.
How did ( Eastre ) or Easter replace Passover?
Now since the pagans were already celebrating their holiday at
about the same time as Passover, the Church once again decided to
sanctify their holy day as a method of converting pagans to
Christianity. So why not chance the name just a little, clean it up and
get rid of their sacrifices, and make it a Christian Holy Day. It was
then that Eastre's day became known as Easter.
Also, remember our old friend Constantine the Roman emperor?
The man who decided to change the Sabbath from the seventh day to
the first day of the week, and then muscled the Church into accepting
that. The man who dared to change God's Word, well he struck again.
You see Constantine convened the council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. a
council that he hand picked I might add. This council unanimously
ruled that the Easter festival should be celebrated throughout the
Christian World on the first Sunday after the full moon following the
vernal equinox; and if the full moon should occur on a Sunday and
thereby coincide with the Passover festival, Easter should by
moved to the following Sunday. Therefore Easter and Passover would
become separated, and have been ever since.
Of course, in the modern World today the term Easter has become
a purely Christian word. No one offers their children before phallic
poles, or worships the statue of a woman with many breasts on Easter
day. But Christ is equally pushed out, and I can't help but believe that
our old enemy 'satan' is behind the whole affair. He simply kept
introducing distractions such as eggs, bunnies, Easter baskets until the
resurrection of Jesus became an afterthought, and finally not thought
of at all, except by a very few. Thus the true significance, of Christ's
triumphal victory over death itself, is lost in the shuffle I am sorry to
All My Love & Prayers,
Pastor Allen
Dr. Vaughn Lawrence
Naturopath and Herbalist | Spirit of Health Kansas City
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011

Water Is Alive. When water acts naturally, it has the power of self-regeneration. When Living Water returns to a negative polarity, it is rejuvenated to its full potential of electric life-giving forces to achieve an internal state of energetic equilibrium and vitality.
Water and Mother Nature: Misunderstood & Mistreated
Water is indispensable for Life. Every living system is a water column or container of the most unique kind. Water is the major component of life on this planet. It is the life-giving fluid in all organisms, humans, animals and plants alike; our very existence is therefore intimately connected with and dependent upon the quality of water available to us. Water is the carrier and deliverer of the life force in the form of biological electricity. It is truly a workhorse for us and is "good to the last drop". Water is required to eliminate toxic waste. It is the dissolver and transporter of nutrients for all systems both above and below the ground. It is the best delivery method because it can carry its force within minute quantities and even when it is dispersed as water vapor, it still remains potent and vital. Water enables the reception and transmission of vital information throughout the cells in our body. Water is needed to support protein structure and enzyme activity. It serves as the adhesive that holds together the various structures in all organic architecture.
People realize that water plays an important role in their well-being. But the attitude that water is just another raw material to be exploited by competing industrial needs is causing water to become estranged from its true role as the life-element. People in our times have failed to develop and value in depth knowledge into the nature of this life-element.
Water and Mother Nature should never be viewed or treated indifferently for in so doing we debase ourselves and the rest of life on this planet. Ignorance of these mighty realities will bring us awesome penalties.
Water and Mother Nature should never be viewed or treated indifferently for in so doing we debase ourselves and the rest of life on this planet. Ignorance of these mighty realities will bring us awesome penalties.
The Geospheric Process
A very important part of the hydrological cycle is water’s percolation into the soil to join together with other water in cold underground flows and then to resurface.
During the gravitationally influenced one-half of water's cycle, it falls as rain and sinks into the geo-sphere (soil) to a certain depth in search of carbon deposits. There it percolates through the carbon and creates a suction phenomenon. Through this vacuum synthesis and filtration process water becomes enriched with minerals, soil organisms, carbons and gases. Underground is where water picks up nutrients and electrical charge! Then the water is what Schauberger called mature and is ready for the levitation and ascension half of its cycle, a natural spring!
During the gravitationally influenced one-half of water's cycle, it falls as rain and sinks into the geo-sphere (soil) to a certain depth in search of carbon deposits. There it percolates through the carbon and creates a suction phenomenon. Through this vacuum synthesis and filtration process water becomes enriched with minerals, soil organisms, carbons and gases. Underground is where water picks up nutrients and electrical charge! Then the water is what Schauberger called mature and is ready for the levitation and ascension half of its cycle, a natural spring!
On its journey water dissolves many other minerals and nutrients and only after this enrichment is it mature water. In its highest state of health, mature water is dense and cold. Then it is ready to enter root tips to perform its compressing levitation. The root zone of a healthy plant is at +4 degrees C (39.2 degrees F) temperature. Plants absorb this mature water and continue the transpiration process and benefit from growth simultaneously.
There is a noticeable difference in fertility, vitality, surface tension, strength and even sweetness and freshness of taste when a river that is flowing through a forest with shade trees overhead that are cooling the environment is compared to a river that is flowing in the open sun through an arid landscape. The warmer river supports much less life. Cooler water even has greater levitating and transporting ability through its increased current and greater buoyancy. In water’s somewhat "contracted state" with less volume because of its coolness, its surface tension and density supports more goods. Experimentation has proved this because logs on rivers float faster. This greater buoyancy potential of cool water is evident to canoeists and rafters in the cool rapids of a river.
Oxygen & Hydrogen
HydrationMan ages from the lack of water. Humans contain 90% water in the embryonic stage which steadily decreases to 80% for infants, down to about 70% by age 24 and levels off at 50% as aging sets in.
Water is our most important nutrient even though it has not been ranked among foods. The life-giving, life-serving properties of fresh water need to be thoroughly investigated and described and then these properties must be evaluated. Water is the most abundant compound in the human body. It is necessary for the transport of food to the tissues, for food’s digestion and the elimination of body wastes, for the circulation of body fluids (such as blood and lymph), for lubrication of the joints and internal organs and for the regulation of body temperature. Water, as part of the blood system, holds dissolved minerals in solution to make them available to body tissues where they are required for proper health. When cells absorb water and swell, the action triggers healing mechanisms, thus they achieve positive nitrogen balance, protein synthesis and growth hormone release. When water is able to hydrate the cells, blood, joint cartilage, blood capillaries, digestion, the spinal column and the Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), they all work in an efficient, easy manner. ATP is a complex chemical compound formed with the energy released from food and stored in all cells, particularly in the muscles. Only from the energy released by the breakdown of this compound can the cells perform work.
Water hydration of the cells should not be forced by the cells’ being tricked into hydration. When the water’s frequency is bio compatible with the cells, then water will hydrate in the most efficient and balanced way possible.
Dehydration is considered the number one cause of disease. The body cannot function properly when water penetration into the cells is limited because this causes water to be robbed from some areas to protect other tissues and organs. The dehydration of cells results in a degenerative state of oxygen starvation that manifests itself as pain, tissue damage, muscle wasting, premature aging, inflammation and week energy expressed as a variety of common health problems. Healthy adults have about 60% of the total fluid content of their bodies inside the cell, whereas the chronically ill usually average only about 40% of their fluid inside the cells.
Amazing Facts About Water
Our physical bodies, our brains, and the crucial element at the basis for every cellular function is WATER. The embryo develops and grows within the fluidity of water. Our brains are composed of water. Our blood, the carrier of nutrients, the vital transporter of oxygen enabling us to MOVE, even our blood has its basis in water.
Water allows us to exist, and it's well-known that a human being can survive many days without food, but will perish within 72 hours without water. It seems so simple, because like all deceptively simple things, whenever we improve and change a component at the absolute core of life, we accelerate and magnify every healing potential.
We might imagine that water is static, or without the ability to carry a charge, that water could be sterile, or distilled. It's true, our modern world with its plastic bottles and its tight, sealed containers, gives the illusion that water can be a sterile and lifeless thing.
Every living being on this planet is a self-contained system for water. In this sense, our bodies are a container for water of the most unique kind.
In fact, water is the major component of life on this planet. Water is indispensable for life. It's the life-giving fluid within all organisms, humans, animals, and plants alike.
Our very existence is therefore intimately connected with - - and dependent upon - - the quality of water available to us. The integrity of the water you place into your body is the
essential basis at each and every one of your biological functions.
essential basis at each and every one of your biological functions.
It isn't an exaggeration to say that water is involved - - and at the forefront - - of every activity each of us engage in daily. It's indisputable: water is the absolute basis of biological electricity.
In short, water allows the quality of your personal life to be amplified or diminished. It's hard to believe that something so basic could make such an exponential difference. Yet we can no longer afford to take for granted any aspect of water's vital role in our bodies!
Today, more than ever, we are beginning to understand the healing aspects of water as the most prominent compound within our human body. It may be that there were
previous times when some people failed to value the vital role water plays as the deliverer of the life force within each of us.
previous times when some people failed to value the vital role water plays as the deliverer of the life force within each of us.
These times have passed. We now are keenly aware that each body's multifold processes, each person's life mechanisms, are clued, keyed, and generated by water. It's no accident that the majority of the earth's surfaces are covered by water. And it's WATER which makes the crucial difference between the virtual existence of life in our solar system - - or whether a planet is an inhospitable orb of molten, fiery rock.
Within our bodies, water is required to eliminate toxic waste. Water is the dissolver and transporter of nutrients for all systems both above and below the ground.
We might forget that water permeates the cells' membranes and even the cerebral-spinal fluid. It is needed to support protein structure and enzyme activity. It serves as the adhesive that holds together the various structures in all organic architecture, including digestion.
Water is essential for HYDRATION. This is because of water's miraculous ability to permeate tissue and matter in its various forms. For this we can thank Mother Nature, and marvel at the fact that even when it's dispersed as vapor, water remains potent and vital.
The "Daily Human" ages primarily from a lack of water. This is why hydration is one of the essential and key elements for maintaining elasticity and youth (as well as beautiful skin)!
The "Daily Human" ages primarily from a lack of water. This is why hydration is one of the essential and key elements for maintaining elasticity and youth (as well as beautiful skin)!
Humans contain 90% water in the embryonic stage. This then steadily decreases to 80% water for infants, down to about 70% water in the "Daily Human" by age 24, and finally, levels of 50% water or less, as aging sets in.
In other words, as you age, you shrink and dry up. You can delay the aging process by the quality and "ALIVENESS" of the water you drink. Water is the absolute essence of what you are - - and you don't need to be Irish to know that what you drink determines your state of mind.
Seriously, your state and the integrity of your HYDRATION of your water will allow you to stay young. The secrets of water are just that simple: The quality, purity, and aliveness of the water you allow yourself to drink every day.
Technically, when water is able to hydrate the cells, your blood, joint cartilage, capillaries, digestion, your spinal column and the ATP, all work in an efficient, easy manner.
When your body's cells absorb water, they swell. THEY BECOME HYDRATED. This action triggers healing mechanisms, thus they achieve positive nitrogen balance, protein synthesis and growth hormone release.
Technically, ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is a complex chemical compound formed from the energy released from food. ATP is stored in all cells, particularly in the muscles. Only from this energy, released by the breakdown of this compound, can your cells perform work. Only from ATP can you move, cognate, and go from Point A to Point B. And at the basis of this vital, essential energy, you can thank WATER for giving your living cells the hydration which permits ATP to exist as your "basic battery fuel."
DEAD Water
When we misuse water, we ruin it and render it insensitive to cosmic influences. We close not only ourselves to cosmic influences, but also the whole world with all its life-realms. Then deflation becomes apparent in and around us.
Disinfected Water
The necessity to REMOVE the many contaminants in our available water is only HALF the problem. What do you have after the purifiers and chemicals have performed their function? You have sterile immature water that has been boiled, evaporated, pressurized, chlorinated, fluoridated and subjected to conditions beyond its metabolic range of life. It has been devitalized of its electricity and mineral content (both the harmful and the vital trace elements).Reassured, the broad mass of the population blithely continues to bask in the luxury of apparently disease-free water in complete ignorance of the perils arising from its constant consumption. Modern, denaturized civilization receives a suitably hygienised, clear liquid to drink, shower, and wash dishes, clothes and cars. What is never stated in official explanations is the cumulative effect of the present methods of wrongly treated water. These methods debilitate, degrade, degenerate and ultimately destroy those organisms that are forced to drink them. Science, however, completely overlooks the fact that water–as a life carrier–is itself alive and needs to be kept in this living condition if it is to fulfill its naturally ordained function. What people do not know is that, although the disinfection of drinking and household water supplies ostensibly removes the threat of water-borne diseases, it does so to the detriment of the user. In their function as water sterilizers and disinfectants eradicate all types of bacteria, beneficial and harmful alike, so that what arrives at your tap or faucet, while it is indeed free of every possible organism, is water that has been sterilized to death: in other words a water-corpse. More important and more alarming, however, it also disinfects the blood (up to 90% water) and in doing so kills off or seriously weakens many of the immunity-enhancing microorganisms living in the body.
Abnormal oxidizing processes cause the dislocation of the natural energy-flows in the body which in turn raise its general temperature, thus they place it in a disease-prone condition. Disease after all is the way that nature removes all organisms that are no longer healthy or viable in her scheme of things and which stand in the path of evolutionary progress.
De-mineralized Water
The fact that nowhere on this planet do we find naturally occurring de-mineralized water should tell us that we were not meant to have it. In nature all fresh water contains traces of natural minerals and micro nutrients. De-mineralized water contains little or none. This is accomplished by ion exchange, reverse osmosis, distillation or a combination of these methods. Research shows healthy water is hard and moderately high in Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). In fact, minerals in drinking water may be better assimilated than minerals in food.
On a more scientific level there are several very credible research reports and books that stress the more recent opinion that long-term consumption of de-mineralized water can in fact be dangerous. Dr. Zolton Rona, author of The Joy of Health, states that "the longer one consumes distilled water, the more likely is the development of mineral deficiencies and an acid state". Dr. Paavo Ariola, cancer expert and author of "How to Get Well" and "Cancer... Causes, Prevention and Healing" also reports "long term consumption of distilled water eventually results in multiple mineral deficiencies."
Two very negative things happen when we consume water that has been stripped of its natural minerals and nutrients. First, because de-mineralized water contains more hydrogen, it is more acidic with a pH below seven. Any time we consume an acid substance, our body will pull minerals from our teeth and bones to produce bicarbonate in order to neutralize the acid. Second, it has been proven that when our body fluids become more acid than alkaline, the production of free radicals increases to cause increased cancer risks. Many studies suggest that cancer cells can only grow in an acid environment. This theory seems to be supported by the fact that around the world the areas where people live the longest, most disease free lives are the areas that have the most alkaline water, water with the highest mineral content.
Distillation & Reverse Osmosis
Distillation & reverse osmosis provide the most consistent pure form of water. Distilled water is the greatest natural solvent on earth and it is used to make potent extracts and teas. It can also be used for special acute conditions to flush toxic metallic concentrations from the body. But it will not give you “life energy” nor will it sustain growth. We need potency as well as purity to have healthy water. The drinking of only distilled water for long periods of time will leach minerals from your body. Try giving only distilled or RO water to plants: they become stunted and stop growing.
Distilled & Reverse osmosis waters can be used for re-hydration but only after they have been activated and brought back to life.
Active Living Water
If one wants the same results Nature produces (in this case good water), the best approach is “to look at nature and duplicate”. The process used by Nature to enrich and uplift the quality of water can be re-created to produce water with similar qualities as mountain spring water.
Natural Spring water is ideal for drinking: it is high in oxygen, minerals, soil organisms and micronutrients. The sooner everyone starts to drink and wash with fresh living water in times of sickness and good health, the more each one will benefit. The soothing warmth that ensues cannot be duplicated by any kind of artificial medicine. Unfortunately high-quality water springs are now only available in restricted amounts and locations due to the negative environmental effects on nature caused by urbanization.
In order for water to be at its maximum potential to do its best work, it must meet certain requirements. Its basic needs are to be allowed to breathe, a cool temperature, a dark environment, minerals, carbon, gases, soil organisms and the freedom to follow certain patterns of movement required by nature.
Benefits of Living Water
Water can be successfully used to help many ills, but for this we must rely on water that is alive. When there is a good supply of Living Water, it can refresh, hydrate and moderate many of the body's processes through the penetration of all cells, veins, vessels, bones, etc. and thus restore the body to ultimate health. It can regulate the entire metabolism because it can restore order without any side effects.
When living water is laden with life supporting frequencies, oxygen, minerals and micronutrients and they are absorbed in the cells, it may help reduce aging and promote and maintain vigor and vitality by decreasing dehydration.
The functional benefits from the drinking of Active living water provide an increase in the absorption and utilization of nutrients through the digestive tract and the blood serum into all the cells, thus to allow the cells to absorb water. To maintain a proper cellular hydration it is crucial to sustain a constant hydration of water with a maximum amount of intra-cellular fluid. The following are the advantages derived from this discipline:
1. It causes a more rapid and thorough detoxification both inside the cells and from the extra-cellular tissue facilitates the prompt elimination of waste from our body.
1. It causes a more rapid and thorough detoxification both inside the cells and from the extra-cellular tissue facilitates the prompt elimination of waste from our body.
2. It increases Cellular hydration, instantly carries oxygen and energy deep into the cellular environment by the transfer of higher oxygen levels into the cells even in the midst of demanding activity such as strenuous exercise and athletics.
3. It improves cellular electrical properties which activate the perfect replication of cells to allow all cells to function at an optimal level that includes immune system cells such as the macrophages and t-cells in their roles of identifying and eliminating all disease.
Benefits of Water May Include:
- Improved Digestion, assimilation and elimination
- Natural energy boost, invigorating
- Better stamina and faster recovery
- Increased libido
- Improved memory, focus and concentration, greater mental clarity
- Noticed reduction in the effects of aging
- Increased circulation
- Restful sleep
- Relaxation and less anxiety
- Growth of hair, nails and skin
- Elimination of heavy metals
- Enhance waste and toxin removal from cells
- Enhance the cellular synthesis of protein
- Amplify the effects of nutritional supplementation
- Enhance cell repair and their defense
- Improved cell to cell communications throughout the body
- Enhance metabolic efficiency
- Empower the body’s natural healing processes
- Increase oxygen to the cells
- Improve digestion
- Reduce pain
- Eases and relieves the symptoms of menopause
- Enhance hydration of body fluids and cells
Thus the eventual living water has the ability to transport efficient hydration into the cells of the body by its changing drinking water into a biocompatible type of water based on the frequency signature of your body energy. The adding of very small amounts of supercharged Concentrated Activated Fulvic acids and Ionic Minerals with soil bacteria in the forms that exist in nature allows water to collect and hold its new electrical charge and begin the process to recreate the natural geospheric process which is crucial to produce living spring water.
The frequency signature of drinking water needs to be in harmony with that of living cells. The cells of the body will gently and easily hydrate water whenever there is biocompatibility between the water and the cells of the body based on vibratory frequency.
Water has certain needs for its own state of life. The best approach is “to look at nature and duplicate”. Nature’s process to enrich and uplift the quality of water can be recreated to produce water with similar qualities as mountain spring water.
Man can restore water to its original Primordial condition. The water activation process duplicates how water has been and is transformed by natural conditions in the environment. Water’s capabilities help to create the needed conditions for it to rejuvenate itself.
Good quality, unpolluted water is the essential first step in the production of high quality living water.
The Conditions Needed to Restore Water
Start with the best water you can. Spring water would be best. Otherwise, filtered water such as reverse osmosis, but preferably never distilled!
A. The Adding of Omica Health’s Active Ionic will introduce:
Ionic Minerals (to allow water to collect and hold its electric charge), Soil Organisms, Amino Acids and Dissolved CarbonsB. The Storing & Incubation of Water:
Water should not be exposed to light; it needs to be stored in dark environment, water should be able to move and not stagnate, water should be able to breathe and stay coldIdeal conditions would include: A dark area free of light, an open vessel so the water can breathe, an insulated vessel that can maintain cool temperatures such as stone, timber and clay (clay is best), a temperature of approx. 39.2 degrees F such as found in the back of your refrigerator (why water is found in the forests)
** Add 4 pumps (squirts) of Omica SuperIonic to one gallon of water, let incubate (sit) overnight, preferably in conditions as stated above
Adya Clarity Minerals
Conditions for water would be same as above. Add 1 teaspoon per gallon of water, let sit overnight in refrigerator. May pour off inorganic materials that have settled at bottom.
Vaughn’s Recommended Program
Adya Clarity in ALL water you drink, ALWAYS!! In addition, add 2 pumps 2x daily of Omica into your water (maintenance) and 4 pumps 2x daily of Omica for healing and mineral deficiencies. You will see AMAZING healing effects and boosts in ENERGY!
Vaughn's Journey to Vegetarian

Vaughn’s Journey To Vegetarianism
Let me start by saying that everyone is on their own journey in life regardless if you’re discussing relationships, food, religion, politics or whatever the case may be. I have NEVER been a fan of labels, even good ones, because they create separation. I never wanted to call myself a “vegetarian” because it creates certain bias, judgments and labels. I prefer to say I just choose not to eat meat. But I guess according to the world, I am a vegetarian; for spiritual, emotional, moral, ethical and health purposes. There are hoards (probably the majority) of unhealthy vegetarians out there. I know this. I am not saying I might not need to add a little something back in down the road in 1, 5, or 10 years. I don’t know. And that’s ok. Life is a journey. If you’re dogmatic, you’re trapped.
I know exactly why many vegetarians are sick and weak, and I know vegetarians that are strong, muscular and healthy like nothing you’ve ever seen in your life. Many vegetarians don’t eat meat, but eat everything processed, caffeinated and sugar-filled on the planet. Your label doesn’t make you healthy. Your education, intelligence, daily choices and awareness of yourself and your body make you healthy.
I don’t like labels because I don’t like one group of people thinking they are different, better or superior to another. We are all children of God and labels mean nothing. I say that because I don’t want you to think that people who eat meat are “bad people.” Or that I am now somehow better than anyone else. I’M NOT! And I ate meat my entire life, lots of it! MY journey, MY path has changed. Anyone who knows me even a little knows I love every person I meet, without exception, regardless of their thoughts or beliefs. There is no other way to be in my opinion.
I never tell people in my classes or any other venue that you should or should not eat a certain way. If you are sick, if you have a disease, if you have an infection I will absolutely make recommendations that you should follow. That is my job! But ultimately, that is up to each individual person. However, our thoughts, worldviews, awareness and consciousness changes based on influences in our life. So maybe this will influence you, maybe it won’t. Only you can make that decision…
Chapter I – Truth and Consciousness
I lived completely unconscious for the first 30 years of my life. Of course, I didn’t realize it. Wait! That IS the definition of unconscious. You know, I was just “living life.” There is nothing wrong with living life. In fact, that is what most Americans are doing.
The problem is, when you are just living life, you are mostly focused on looking out for yourself. I’m not saying you shouldn’t look out for yourself. You should. I’m not saying that people aren’t doing great, wonderful things like helping their neighbors, charity work, donating time and money, opening doors for strangers, smiling, laughing, loving and encouraging others. At the end of the day however, it all comes back to what is in your own best interest, whether you “consciously” realize it or not. This is the definition of an unconscious life. Living in the world, but truly knowing absolutely nothing ABOUT the world.
You see, I speak from experience. I had a great life being unconscious. In fact, when I finally woke up, life got more complicated and more challenging. People don’t like to be challenged. People don’t like the truth. Screaming in my mind is Jack Nicholson from A Few Good Men, “You Can’t Handle the Truth!” And it’s true, most people can’t handle the truth. They don’t even want small doses of the truth for fear that it may leak inside their brain and actually challenge the normal day to day course of their knowingly imperfect, yet complacently perfect life.
One of my favorite quotes is the three phases of truth
1. First, it is ridiculed
2. Next, it is violently opposed
3. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident (oh, everybody knows that right?)
Often times, when you are doing something right, the rest of the world sees it as wrong and vice-versa. Often times, when you are in the minority, you’re on the right track.
Chapter II – The Awakening
I don’t think I can attribute my awakening to any one particular event or moment in time. But I will tell you that it started with God. Please read my complete Testimony on my website for the full story on that. As a former Atheist, finding God was the beginning of discovering truth. The truth that almost everything we are doing in this world is a false reality. God is truth, and therein you will find the truth. But not just any Gods, or multiple Gods, the one true living God.
It was long journey just to find the truth about God, again read my testimony. This awakening completely changed my way of thinking. I am a spiritual creature more than I am physical. There is a major battle going on this world of good vs evil. There is a LOT of deception and lies in the world, to which most people are completely oblivious. With new awareness comes new responsibility, and that is the last thing most people want.
Out of the hundreds of perceptions I had changing in my mind, the biggest was my selfishness. I was living life for myself, bottom line. I don’t think most of my friends or family thought I was selfish in any way. However, it was my new spiritual core that made this clear to me. I am not who I once was. I am born again. I switched careers, and knew that I needed to dedicate the rest of my life to serving other people. Health was my passion, so the choice was easy.
Chapter III – Personal Journey to Health
Another time, when complete, I will write my complete healing story. Now, as a vegetarian, I still have some work to do in achieving that perfect, glowing, vibrant level of health that I am seeking. The difference is, I’m not seeking it for myself or for vanity, I am seeking it for God’s purpose, for the benefit of God’s kingdom.
Why do most people want to be healthy?
- They want to feel good (for themselves)
- They want to look good (for themselves, for vanity and for others)
There should be a purpose behind everything that you do. It’s called LIVING ON PURPOSE!
With my new awareness and consciousness I began making changes. I eliminated dairy, cut way back on meat, stopped eating fast food completely. I quit drinking alcohol and eliminate soda from my life. It was progressive, not overnight. These were all great changes, but I still wasn’t where I wanted to be.
The main reason? Sugar. I was addicted. People think of drugs, alcohol, etc. when they think of addictions. Nope, food is worse than all of them combined, and for me it was sugar. I would cleanse and go for an entire month without sugar, no problem. Then go right back. The only thing I would think about while cleansing is when I can start eating junk again. I would justify it by fooling myself. I would tell myself “You’ve made so many great changes and you are putting amazing things in your body now, you deserve a treat.” That is fine for a super healthy person. I’m not hardcore 100% never enjoy anything in life. In fact, just the opposite. Everything in life SHOULD be enjoyable, food should taste amazing! However, I was NOT healthy and there was the problem. An unhealthy person should not continue to abuse their body with unhealthy foods!
Even though I had the “awareness” that sugar was not good for me and damaging my body, I couldn’t stop myself. It took some time, but I finally discovered the root cause of my addiction. The ONLY way for me to overcome it (and I tried EVERYTHING) was to give it to God. Again, I “knew” that God wanted me to care for his Holy Temple while on this earth, but my selfishness to eat and do what I wanted trumped God. No more…
Chapter IV – Getting Off the Meat Wagon
So part of consciousness and awareness is caring for those around you, right? I don’t think anyone would disagree with that. Problem is, we’re mass consumers. How much do we think about who and what in the world is affected by our consumer choices? I cannot believe this never even occurred to me throughout life, but of course, before I was just buying and doing what was pleasing to my unconscious soul.
With a new light and understanding, I began to question things. How does marketing and advertising affect me? Does it affect me without even knowing it? What makes more sense, conventional medicine or natural medicine and why? Where does our food come from and how does it get into the grocery store and onto our plates? Am I conscious about what I am putting on my fork every day and the effect that it has on my body? What is going on with our government? What has changed since our founding fathers laid the ground work? Why are these wars being fought and are they necessary? How does the jacket I buy impact the rest of the world? How do my food choices affect others? When I spend my dollars, who are they supporting? Why am I here on earth? What is my purpose?
So many questions, but all questions many people don’t want to ask, and certainly don’t want to know the answers to. However, they are questions that we should all be asking!
So when it comes specifically to meat, here is the low-down. With my new transformation and the fact that my spiritual eyes have been opened when it came to meat, this is what I realized. All my discussions about meat and my studies were focused on studying what is best for the health of MYSELF and my clients. Never once did I think about the animals. I felt I was being selfish and there was a whole new consciousness that started to resonate within my soul. Consciousness is progressive, but only if you allow it to change you and don’t fight it.
Out of sight, out of mind. It’s so true. Again, we don’t WANT to know the truth. Why? Because it might change our way of life. It might make us think. It might make us uncomfortable. It might force us to think about our moral and ethical standards.
So is my new choice to become vegetarian for the benefit of my health? Absolutely! SELFISHLEY yes! But also for God and being as clean and healthy as possible while on this earth. Here is a real quick version on the health aspect, than back to the moral implications. The majority of the longest lived cultures on the earth are vegetarians. Not necessarily 100%, maybe 95% or 98%. They may have some dairy, or even eat insects. Vegetarians do enjoy a healthier lifestyle, with less illness and diseases and a longer life span. Enough studies have been done to show this. I poured over this information, but was always trying to figure out was best for myself and my clients when it comes to health. Being vegetarian absolutely 100% will improve my health and the health of others, I have no doubt about that whatsoever.
What is more important however is the moral and ethical implications. My consciousness grew leaps and bounds when I realized that I was being selfish. Oh, how true. I had pets all throughout my life growing up. But I ate meat! Does anyone see a problem here? Maybe it's just me, could be. But who am I to choose which animals to love, care for and share my life with, and which animals are allowed to be raised in confined prisons and torture chambers and slaughtered for my food? Seems so obvious, but it was a truth I was never ready for.
I would enjoy the pleasure of animals in my life and watch nature shows and see animals running free in the wild and go to the zoo and enjoy watching animals for my enjoyment, and I was eating meat. For the first time, I realize that didn't make sense. We are making the choice which animals live and which animals die, and we are showing superiority over an inferior animal or species. We are choosing which animals are worthy of your admiration and love, and which are only worthy of our fork.
Ok, so we may say well cows and pigs are dumb. Dogs are smart. Really? Do we know that or does it just make us feel better? Even if that were the case, does that give us the power to dominate and eat one, yet love the other? Have you ever seen a cow up close in the pasture? Or is it out of sight, out of mind? Have you seen a slaughterhouse? They say if slaughterhouses had glass walls, we would all be vegetarians. They say if we all had to kill our own meat, we would all be vegetarians. It’s intense information I know. My road was long, but I have decided on this for now. I'm not saying things won't change, I learn and grow daily.
Want to know the movies that flipped my world upside down? I saw Food, Inc. It was great, but wasn’t the trigger. But the consciousness was growing. I saw a documentary called Eating. Wow, now that made me think hard about becoming vegetarian, but I wasn’t there yet. Then the grand daddy of them all, I saw EARTHLINGS. This is the movie everyone in America is afraid to watch. This is the movie that will make you question your moral and ethical standards in life when it comes to animals.
Earthlings teaches us that everything on this planet was created by God. We ALL have equal opportunity to live and create for us the best life we can within our environment. What makes one species inferior or “expendable?” Are “meat” animals expendable? In Asia they eat dogs, is that gross to you? Some people eat horses. Why is eating a cow or pig yummy and eating a dog or horse disgusting? We just never truly thought of it that way. I never did.
Now I would say it would be different if you were hunting to support your family, and it was your only way. Many people and cultures have done this throughout history. Survival is quite another “animal” so to speak. But we don’t. We eat meat because it brings US pleasure, because WE enjoy it! Because we are rich! We don’t even think about the animals, mainly because we don’t have to see them being tortured. It never used to be this way! If we hunted and raised our own animals and ate meat once in a while, that would be fantastic! It's the way things have always been until now. But fast food, grocery stores and mass consumption has created factory farming. If only we could get back to a farm based lifestyle this would not be a problem!
I will say again, things might change for me as I learn and grow! I may need to eat some fish, or a deer that a friend shot during hunting season. That is FINE! I don't have a problem with people who hunt for food, I really don't. Why should I? Who am I to judge anything that anyone does, not my place. People have hunted for their food for thousands of years. Most of my friends hunt. That's awesome! Maybe this whole vegetarian thing will just be some sort of "phase" for me. (-: I don't know for sure, but I know it resonates with me on a deep level. I believe it was God's original intention for us in the Garden of Eden to be vegetarians. We know we did not have rules about meat until after Moses.
Regardless, even if people just "cut back" a LITTLE and ate local food and meat, we could solve the torture and factory farm issue, simple as that! There are many options to improve your choices besides going hardcore vegetarian! That is if you think being vegetarian is hardcore. I will find out! (-:
I will say again, things might change for me as I learn and grow! I may need to eat some fish, or a deer that a friend shot during hunting season. That is FINE! I don't have a problem with people who hunt for food, I really don't. Why should I? Who am I to judge anything that anyone does, not my place. People have hunted for their food for thousands of years. Most of my friends hunt. That's awesome! Maybe this whole vegetarian thing will just be some sort of "phase" for me. (-: I don't know for sure, but I know it resonates with me on a deep level. I believe it was God's original intention for us in the Garden of Eden to be vegetarians. We know we did not have rules about meat until after Moses.
Regardless, even if people just "cut back" a LITTLE and ate local food and meat, we could solve the torture and factory farm issue, simple as that! There are many options to improve your choices besides going hardcore vegetarian! That is if you think being vegetarian is hardcore. I will find out! (-:
But we would like to think that animals are somehow treated well and killed humanely. Watch the movie. We would like to think that the slaughterhouse is clean and sanitary. Watch the movie. We would like to think animals can’t feel pain like humans do. WATCH THE MOVIE!
All that being said, it was out of sight, out of mind for me until I actually SAW IT! When you watch Earthlings you will shake and cry. You will turn away from the screen. It is TRUTH! You Can’t Handle the Truth says Jack! It is all live footage. It is a miniscule fraction of what is happening in our crazy world. It shows us how we dominate and abuse animals for pets, food, clothing, entertainment and supposed “medical” experiments. It will open your eyes and your heart and if you’re not careful, it will open your mind and level of consciousness.
Life is a journey. Seeing is believing. Being selfish is so EASY! Ignoring what is really going on the world and hiding in our own little cubicle is so EASY! Serving others is challenging physically, emotionally, morally and ethically. That includes serving animals. Watch the movies, but don’t miss Earthlings. I challenge anyone to watch those three movies and not at least have a strong change of heart about the choices they make on a daily basis.
More than anything, I want people to understand that the choices they make do have an impact on the rest of the world. It is easy to get lost in a sea of billions of people. I will never tell people eating meat is bad or wrong! But I will tell people they eat too much, and I will make people aware of the reality of the meat industry and what is happening. I give people my 5 steps to healthy meat eating, so here they are for you, go at your own pace.
Step 1 - Make intelligent meat choices. No anti-biotics or growth hormones. Buy from local farmer's. Buy grass fed beef. Do not buy fast food or support grocery stores. That is why we have factory farming because of the excessive fast food burger places!
Step 2 - Decrease your portion size to what fits in the palm of your hand
Step 3 - Decrease your frequency of meat consumption to no more than once per day
Step 4 - Decrease your frequency to twice weekly
Step 5 - Be a vegetarian
You notice I did not say everyone needs to become a vegetarian over night! But I think both the health benefits and the ethical benefits will be appealing to a lot of people as they continue on their own journey.
More than anything, I want people to understand that the choices they make do have an impact on the rest of the world. It is easy to get lost in a sea of billions of people. I will never tell people eating meat is bad or wrong! But I will tell people they eat too much, and I will make people aware of the reality of the meat industry and what is happening. I give people my 5 steps to healthy meat eating, so here they are for you, go at your own pace.
Step 1 - Make intelligent meat choices. No anti-biotics or growth hormones. Buy from local farmer's. Buy grass fed beef. Do not buy fast food or support grocery stores. That is why we have factory farming because of the excessive fast food burger places!
Step 2 - Decrease your portion size to what fits in the palm of your hand
Step 3 - Decrease your frequency of meat consumption to no more than once per day
Step 4 - Decrease your frequency to twice weekly
Step 5 - Be a vegetarian
You notice I did not say everyone needs to become a vegetarian over night! But I think both the health benefits and the ethical benefits will be appealing to a lot of people as they continue on their own journey.
I bring you this testimony because I love people and animals both. I always have. Many people say they love animals, but have ignored, or maybe just not been introduced to the reality of this world. Just because you eat meat does not mean you don't love animals, please do not imply anything like that! I'm not promising I will never eat meat again, because well I just don't know! Just be aware of the choices you are making. I care about you and your health and the health of your family. I care about the conscious decisions you make every day.
Most of all, I love GOD. I know God has a purpose for YOU and I hope your consciousness is ready for it!
Most of all, I love GOD. I know God has a purpose for YOU and I hope your consciousness is ready for it!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
What Has Happened To America?!?! This sums it up!
Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation
'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and
to seek your direction and guidance.
We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,'
but that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable..
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem.
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment
Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free.
'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and
to seek your direction and guidance.
We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,'
but that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable..
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem.
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment
Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Diet Coke and Aspartame POISON!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Top 5 Steps to Bone Health
5 Steps to Build Strong Bones
Bone health is a hot topic, and unfortunately there is a lot of confusion going on in this area. So I am going to give you the top 5 steps to having strong bones. This information will be VERY different from what your doctor told you. Remember, doctors study drugs and disease. Natural health practitioners study nutrition and prevention. Big difference! So before we even get to the 5 steps, here is where you start: Forget everything you THOUGHT you knew about bone health! Now with the confusion, lies and deception wiped clean from your mind, we can start to learn something.
Step 1: Never ever, ever take poor quality calcium supplements. 95% of calcium supplements are animal bones, rocks like limestone and coral. I don't know about you, but picking up and gnawing on animal bones doesn't work for me, or make much sense. Calcium supplements accomplish the following: They do absolutely zero to build bone health, your body works overtime to excrete calcium through your urine, what it cannot excrete is deposited in your body which equals bone spurs, heel spurs, kidney stones, artery blockages, alzheimer's, hearing loss, cataracts, gallstones, arthritis, etc.
IF you take a calcium supplements (yes I do have them, and sell them) it MUST be food based from an algae or green foods. That is what your body can understand and use, not rocks. The largest animals on the planets with the strongest bones eat grass all day!
Step 2: Avoid or minimize dairy products, excessive meat consumption, soda and sugar. THIS is the cause of Osteoporosis. Eating acid forming foods causes the body to pull calcium from the bones to normalize pH levels. Do you have hip pain? Your hips are your largest calcium deposit in your body.
Step 3: AVOID all bone drugs. Studies prove they increase fracture risk. They STOP your body from renewing and growing new bone, making it hard like cement. When you fall, your bone SHATTERS into a bazillion pieces. No thanks! FYI, when Fosamax sales were poor, they invented a new screening test to tell the world they have weak bones, and invented a new word (osteopenia, a word that did not exist in 1990, look it up) to sell bone drugs. It's a sad way to make a healthy person feel like they have a disease. Ask your doctor questions.
Step 4: Exercise, move, exercise, weight bearing exercise, jump, rebound, run, jog, swim, bike, yoga, exercise, jog, climb a mountain, walk your dog, play volleyball, tennis, go sledding, P90X, stretch, build a fence, build a house, climb a tree, did I say exercise? Ok, I think you get it. Bone has zero reason to be strong if you don't give it one. Read the column to your left on the amazing Cellerciser Rebounder.
Step 5: Nutrients. To build strong bone you need the following:
- Silica, from Horsetail or Bamboo. This is the key building block for bones, joints, ligaments, hair, skin, nails, etc.
- Magnesium
- Essential Fatty Acids - I like Udo's 3-6-9, Coconut or a quality olive oil
- Green Foods (A good greens powder blend is an easy way to get tons of nutrients in one shot)
- Water and Sunshine!
Conclusion: Most people are fooled into thinking they have a problem they really don't, just to sell drugs. Even if you truly do have weak bones, no drug is going to build or restore bone health. Focus on the above, and bone CAN and WILL regenerate. It's how your body is designed to function!
How to live on purpose!
Aspire to be inspired
I wish there was an easy answer as to how you discover your purpose, or your calling in life so to speak. I guess the first question would be:
One of my favorite versus in the bible is Matthew 7:7
- Ask, and it shall be given to you
- Seek, and ye shall find
- Knock, and it shall be opened to you
Whether you follow biblical principles or not, I think this makes a lot of sense to all of us. It's hard to find anything in life if you aren't looking for it. When I lose my keys, I don't go sit in my car waiting for the keys to magically manifest in my hands. So if you want to find your purpose in life, start searching. But how, where?
My personal opinion is that, as human beings, we were created to serve others. With rare exception, people find great reward and satisfaction in helping others. I think it is important to understand that you don't have to run a save the children not-for-profit or spend all of your free time at the local homeless shelter (although people who do that are an absolute inspiration!). You can work for 40 years at Mcdonald's and live a servants life. You serve your children, spouse, honor your parents, volunteer in your local community, compliment others on a daily basis and become a shining, beacon of light that attracts and inspires others.
In other words, your purpose can be as much of a mindset as it is a profession. It's a consciousness and awareness that life isn't about you, your stuff and keeping yourself entertained. I can guarantee God has bigger plans for you than that!
If you have a passion, pursue it! Say you are good at woodworking, like to paint or ride horses, have a gift to make children smile or you're an amazing tennis player. Whatever it is, God gave you that gift or talent, so go for it! Watching TV or playing video games all day won't help. That's serving yourself, not others. I know many people who had a talent they nurtured when they were younger, then "life" happened and they think about how they "used" to do this or that, or "wish" they could do that again. Change you attitude.
I wish there was an easy answer as to how you discover your purpose, or your calling in life so to speak. I guess the first question would be:
One of my favorite versus in the bible is Matthew 7:7
- Ask, and it shall be given to you
- Seek, and ye shall find
- Knock, and it shall be opened to you
Whether you follow biblical principles or not, I think this makes a lot of sense to all of us. It's hard to find anything in life if you aren't looking for it. When I lose my keys, I don't go sit in my car waiting for the keys to magically manifest in my hands. So if you want to find your purpose in life, start searching. But how, where?
My personal opinion is that, as human beings, we were created to serve others. With rare exception, people find great reward and satisfaction in helping others. I think it is important to understand that you don't have to run a save the children not-for-profit or spend all of your free time at the local homeless shelter (although people who do that are an absolute inspiration!). You can work for 40 years at Mcdonald's and live a servants life. You serve your children, spouse, honor your parents, volunteer in your local community, compliment others on a daily basis and become a shining, beacon of light that attracts and inspires others.
In other words, your purpose can be as much of a mindset as it is a profession. It's a consciousness and awareness that life isn't about you, your stuff and keeping yourself entertained. I can guarantee God has bigger plans for you than that!
If you have a passion, pursue it! Say you are good at woodworking, like to paint or ride horses, have a gift to make children smile or you're an amazing tennis player. Whatever it is, God gave you that gift or talent, so go for it! Watching TV or playing video games all day won't help. That's serving yourself, not others. I know many people who had a talent they nurtured when they were younger, then "life" happened and they think about how they "used" to do this or that, or "wish" they could do that again. Change you attitude.
If what you're good at makes you smile,
use it to inspire others
and make them smile as well!
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