Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Has Happened To America?!?! This sums it up!

Billy  Graham's Prayer For Our Nation


'Heavenly  Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and
to seek your direction and  guidance.  

We know Your Word says,  'Woe to those who call evil  good,'
but  that is exactly what we have done.

We  have lost our spiritual equilibrium and  reversed our values.
We  have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have  killed our  unborn and called it choice.
We  have shot abortionists and  called it  justifiable..
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building  self esteem.  
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have  coveted  our neighbor's possessions and called it  ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and  pornography and called  it freedom of expression.
We  have  ridiculed the time-honored values of our  forefathers  and called it  enlightenment

Search us, Oh God, and   know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin  and Set us  free.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Diet Coke and Aspartame POISON!


The photo of a crumpled can of Diet Coke told the story in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Coke's hometown paper. Fitting, poetic, just, but tragic for the company once rated "The Most Admired Business in the World". Today Coke wouldn't even make the list. Sales are down, profits collapsing, and 6,000 employees soon will be gone. To make room for 6,000 defense attorneys? The tragedy is stupendously larger than 6,000 jobs; it affects hundreds of millions of unwarned, innocent, afflicted consumers across the broad face of planet earth.
This crisis can't be solved by belt tightening, greater efficiency, more advertising, etc. It's so bad Coke can't say the word; to pronounce it will bring instant cataclysm. That word is aspartame, and their only recourse is denial, denial, denial, though every ad and commercial builds higher the scaffold upon which Coke shall surely hang.
Reality is in that twisted Diet coke can. It's poison. It's killing the unborn, raining tumors and seizures on the population, destroying children, incapacitating workers, mimicking MS, erasing memory and blinding. Inexorably Diet Coke visits a plague of 92 symptoms listed by our FDA on a secret report they'll never show which names diet soda as the first source of aspartame disease. And yes, Death was one of the 92.
Diet Coke is poison. And it's addictive, some victims drink several liters a day and keep it on their nightstands. If Coke changes the formula to remove aspartame the world will heal and the surge of hatred and vengeance by the disabled and bereaved shall certainly destroy Coca Cola.
The poison in Diet Coke is aspartame. As a member of the National Soft Drink Association Coke opposed FDA approval of aspartame for beverages. their objections, running to several pages published in the Congressional Record of 5/7/85, said aspartame is uniquely and inherently unstable and breaks down in the can. It decomposes into formaldehyde, methyl alcohol, formic acid, diketopiperazine and other toxins. In a study on 7 monkeys 5 had grand mal seizures and one died, a casualty rate of 86%.
Coke knew; and knowing, broke their good faith contract with customers, a breach exhibited by the recent plot to program vending machines to raise the price with the temperature. Dissatisfied with selling flavored sugar water plus phosphoric acid, they switched to pushing an addictive formula called "Diet". Addictive substances multiply markets, so Diet Coke soared off the sales charts, spreading obesity in its flight.. We're fatter because aspartame suppresses seratonin and makes us crave carbohydrates.
So why is aspartame/NutraSweet/Equal/Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi/etc on the market and in thousands of foods? Can you say CORRUPTION? One FDA Commissioner and one acting Commissioner have changed sides to work in the NutraSweet industry, plus 6 underlings and two federal attorneys assigned to prosecute NutraSweet for submitting fraudulent tests to get it approved. "It's like a script for Abbott & Costello." lamented an honest FDA scientist writing to Senator Metzenbaum. It works like this: "Approve our poison, and when you stop being a bureaucrat we'll make you a plutocrat! After its licensed we'll pay off the American Dietetics, the American Diabetes Association, the AMA and anyone we need who's for sale."
The jig's up! Worldwide consumer action has exposed aspartame, and millions have kicked the habit. Coke's profits are down 37% and for a year Monsanto's been trying to sell The NutraSweet Company. Finally they sold NSC, producer of the phenylalanine in NutraSweet for $125 million. Now Monsanto faces a $71 million lawsuit for exaggerating profits. Monsanto stock is in the toilet, but they may have found a buyer in the Swiss firm Pharmacia-Upjohn. P.U. for short! The deal won't finalize for a year. the plans are to ditch the Monsanto name as its stench is unendurable. CEO Bob Shapiro may soon be history, like Doug Ivester of Coke who just resigned. Will the last one out please turn out the lights!

Coke originally rejected aspartame when they found it interacted with the steel cans they used then. Besides that, aspartame was rejected by the FDA.
Enter a rising political star in the Nixon and Ford administration.
Aspartame won FDA approval in 1977, and in the same year this political star joined Searle Pharmaceutical, which developed aspartame, and soon became its CEO. His name?

Donald Rumsfeld

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Top 5 Steps to Bone Health


5 Steps to Build Strong Bones 
Bone health is a hot topic, and unfortunately there is a lot of confusion going on in this area.  So I am going to give you the top 5 steps to having strong bones.  This information will be VERY different from what your doctor told you.  Remember, doctors study drugs and disease.  Natural health practitioners study nutrition and prevention.  Big difference!  So before we even get to the 5 steps, here is where you start:  Forget everything you THOUGHT you knew about bone health!  Now with the confusion, lies and deception wiped clean from your mind, we can start to learn something.   

Step 1:  Never ever, ever take poor quality calcium supplements.  95% of calcium supplements are animal bones, rocks like limestone and coral.  I don't know about you, but picking up and gnawing on animal bones doesn't work for me, or make much sense.  Calcium supplements accomplish the following:  They do absolutely zero to build bone health, your body works overtime to excrete calcium through your urine, what it cannot excrete is deposited in your body which equals bone spurs, heel spurs, kidney stones, artery blockages, alzheimer's, hearing loss, cataracts, gallstones, arthritis, etc.   

IF you take a calcium supplements (yes I do have them, and sell them) it MUST be food based from an algae or green foods.  That is what your body can understand and use, not rocks.  The largest animals on the planets with the strongest bones eat grass all day! 

Step 2:   Avoid or minimize dairy products, excessive meat consumption, soda and sugar.  THIS is the cause of Osteoporosis.  Eating acid forming foods causes the body to pull calcium from the bones to normalize pH levels.  Do you have hip pain?  Your hips are your largest calcium deposit in your body.   

Step 3:  AVOID all bone drugs.  Studies prove they increase fracture risk.  They STOP your body from renewing and growing new bone, making it hard like cement.  When you fall, your bone SHATTERS into a bazillion pieces.  No thanks!  FYI, when Fosamax sales were poor, they invented a new screening test to tell the world they have weak bones, and invented a new word (osteopenia, a word that did not exist in 1990, look it up) to sell bone drugs.  It's a sad way to make a healthy person feel like they have a disease.  Ask your doctor questions. 

Step 4:   Exercise, move, exercise, weight bearing exercise, jump, rebound, run, jog, swim, bike, yoga, exercise, jog, climb a mountain, walk your dog, play volleyball, tennis, go sledding, P90X, stretch, build a fence, build a house, climb a tree, did I say exercise?  Ok, I think you get it.  Bone has zero reason to be strong if you don't give it one.   Read the column to your left on the amazing Cellerciser Rebounder.   

Step 5:  Nutrients.  To build strong bone you need the following:
-  Silica, from Horsetail or Bamboo.  This is the key building block for bones, joints, ligaments, hair, skin, nails, etc.
-  Magnesium
-  Essential Fatty Acids - I like Udo's 3-6-9, Coconut or a quality olive oil
-  Green Foods (A good greens powder blend is an easy way to get tons of nutrients in one shot) 
-  Water and Sunshine!  

Conclusion:  Most people are fooled into thinking they have a problem they really don't, just to sell drugs.  Even if you truly do have weak bones, no drug is going to build or restore bone health.  Focus on the above, and bone CAN and WILL regenerate.  It's how your body is designed to function! 



How to live on purpose!  
Aspire to be inspired

I wish there was an easy answer as to how you discover your purpose, or your calling in life so to speak.  I guess the first question would be: 

One of my favorite versus in the bible is Matthew 7:7
- Ask, and it shall be given to you
- Seek, and ye shall find
- Knock, and it shall be opened to you

Whether you follow biblical principles or not, I think this makes a lot of sense to all of us.  It's hard to find anything in life if you aren't looking for it.  When I lose my keys, I don't go sit in my car waiting for the keys to magically manifest in my hands.  So if you want to find your purpose in life, start searching.  But how, where?

My personal opinion is that, as human beings, we were created to serve others.  With rare exception, people find great reward and satisfaction in helping others.  I think it is important to understand that you don't have to run a save the children not-for-profit or spend all of your free time at the local homeless shelter (although people who do that are an absolute inspiration!).  You can work for 40 years at Mcdonald's and live a servants life.  You serve your children, spouse, honor your parents, volunteer in your local community, compliment others on a daily basis and become a shining, beacon of light that attracts and inspires others. 

In other words, your purpose can be as much of a mindset as it is a profession.  It's a consciousness and awareness that life isn't about you, your stuff and keeping yourself entertained.  I can guarantee God has bigger plans for you than that!

If you have a passion, pursue it!  Say you are good at woodworking, like to paint or ride horses, have a gift to make children smile or you're an amazing tennis player.  Whatever it is, God gave you that gift or talent, so go for it!  Watching TV or playing video games all day won't help.  That's serving yourself, not others.  I know many people who had a talent they nurtured when they were younger, then "life" happened and they think about how they "used" to do this or that, or "wish" they could do that again.  Change you attitude. 

If what you're good at makes you smile,  
use it to inspire others  
and make them smile as well!  
