Monday, December 27, 2010

Achieving Peak Performance

Achieving Peak Performance Starts Today

This article isn’t just for elite athletes, although it will apply to them as well. Regardless of your age, you can achieve amazing physical strength, stamina and endurance. There are cultures throughout the world that are active well past the century mark, and you can do the same by understanding three basic principles.

First, we must understand that an active lifestyle today is the only way to achieve a healthy tomorrow. Forget the past and get a second job. That job is exercise and you need to show up for work every day. Pick a time and make it a daily routine.  What you do isn’t what is critical, doing is what is critical; walking, jogging, tennis, hiking, yoga, rebounding while watching TV, racquetball, weights, biking, etc.

Second, for your body to perform, it needs proper nutrients. What you do or do not put in your mouth every day is the key! Water is the single most important thing you put in your body. Think of every mammal on the planet. What do they drink after mom’s milk? Water. Humans are the only exception and this puts us at a severe disadvantage. Chronic dehydration is rampant in this country and soda, energy drinks, coffee and milk are all part of the problem. Your body can not, and will not, perform without proper hydration to the tissues, muscles, glands and organs. 

Making proper food choices is the biggest problem in America today. This chemical laden, over processed, nutrient devoid stuff we call “food” sitting on supermarket shelves and at fast food joints is destroying the foundation of our culture, and our bodies. If this is what you choose to eat exclusively, don’t expect a highly active, pain free, disease free life into your hundreds. As a Naturopath, it makes me sad to see how many people are living in pain, debilitated by so many issues that are completely preventable. Many people will get away with this for a short period of time, but it always catches up to you. There is a reason is America is one of the most diseased and crippled industrialized nations in the world.

You have choices.  For optimal performance the body needs enzyme rich, fresh fruits and vegetables. It craves water, whole grains, and foods fresh from the garden. Grow your own garden, shop at the local farmer’s markets or buy organic produce. This food brings life and your body will thank you for it.

The third and most confusing principle is proper supplementation. Supplementing is critical today because of the aforementioned destruction of our food supply and the honest fact that we are going to consume some of these processed foods from time to time. We will start with the basics and move up to more advanced options.

 Minerals are the foundation for everything that happens in your body. You can’t move a muscle, blink or lift anything without minerals. People are very focused on vitamins these days, which are important of course, but it’s time to shift our thoughts to the importance of minerals. Athlete’s drink electrolyte minerals for a reason. Please understand that you have options for great mineral supplements without the sugar and artificial flavors and colors in most commercial electrolyte drinks. Calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium are all critical for optimal performance. Quality minerals come from natural food sources - don’t fall for cheap synthetic versions in most stores. A short list of nutrient dense, high mineral foods include marine phytoplankton, chlorella, spirulina, sea vegetables (kelp, dulse, nori, wakame), royal jelly, bee pollen, sea salt, himalayan pink salt, herbs (nettle, ginkgo, horsetail, maca, goji berries, ashwagandha and shilajit), raw cacao and aloe vera.

When it comes to minerals and bone health, you may be surprised to learn that consuming calcium should not be your focus. Silica, magnesium and potassium are all more important for building strong bones. Silica is the building block for bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and other tissues. The reason America has poor bone health is from poor diet and acidic foods like dairy and soda, not from a calcium deficiency. This acidity causes your body to leach calcium from your bones to keep you alive.

After building a mineral foundation in your body, the next focus should be on anti-oxidants. There has been a lot of buzz regarding the importance of this class of nutrients, and rightfully so. Oxidative stress is a natural byproduct of physical activity, and this can be offset with the right foods and supplements. Slowing the oxidative process is how we slow aging, wrinkles and the breakdown of glands and organs. Your richest source of these invaluable nutrients is found in medicinal mushrooms (reishi, chaga, cordyceps), astaxanthin found in red algae, chlorella, spirulina, sour red grapes, good fats (coconut, flax, sunflower, sesame, evening primrose, avocado) and quality vitamin C sources (NOT ascorbic acid) like camu camu, amla, goji berries and acerola cherries. In addition, there is a product on the market, using only minerals, that makes anti-oxidants work 500% more efficiently, a perfect addition to your new program. A wide variety of quality fruits and vegetables is critical to having adequate anti-oxidant levels in the body as well. 

The final level of achieving peak performance is the understanding and use of adaptogenic tonic herbs. When the Russians were dominating the Olympics, they were taking herbs, not steroids. This gave them a unique, and legal, advantage over the competition. These herbs have been consumed as foods in cultures around the world for centuries, a key to their longevity and graceful aging. A short list of these herbs include ashwagandha, astragalus, rhodiola, fo-ti, schisandra, reishi, cordyceps, shilajit and jiao gu lan. Working with an experienced herbalist can help you to find the right combination suitable to your goals.

Your body was created to move and to function perfectly. You have the choice to age quickly or to age gracefully. You are only as healthy as the decisions you make every day.

Vaughn Lawrence, Spirit of Health

Weight Loss

The Truth about Weight Loss
I am going to give you the truth when it comes to weight loss.  I’ll never forget when I heard on the radio about a missionary who went to Africa and one of the locals asked, “Is it true that people pay money to lose weight in America?”  I used to be overweight, gaining a good 60lbs right out of college sitting at my first desk job.  There is an epidemic in America, but it can be solved.  It takes education and intelligent choices because there are a lot of factors working against us like giant food companies, the fast food industry and clever advertising.  Read below for some quick tips that are either free or almost free.  

Tip #1 – Less is More.  The human body is amazing.  You think your job is tough?  Try working overtime, permanently!  This is what our body has to do with the constant barrage of food thrown at it.  The body will spend up to 90% of its effort trying to digest.  This leaves 10% for tissue repair, cell regeneration, immune system, cardiovascular health, lymphatic system, etc.  Eat smaller portions.  80% of each meal should be veggies and the remainder either a grain or protein.  For supper, eat like a beggar.  Your body wants so badly to cleanse, heal and repair while you are sleeping.  Give it a chance!

Tip #2 – Sugar makes you fat!  Stop drinking soda, including diet, and you will lose 10-15lbs the first month, guaranteed.  We are the only mammals on the planet dumb enough to drink anything besides water after nursing.  Stop drinking milk.  It will you fat AND has the added benefit of giving you osteoporosis.  You think a food designed to turn a 50lb calf into an 800lb cow in less than a year is good for you?  People are so scared of eating fat.  Fat will never make you fat, unless you eat man made, chemically altered fats found in fast food and packaged foods.  Eating almonds, fish, avocados, olives and olive oil, coconuts and coconut oil, butter and yes, even lard will never make you fat.  This is the biggest mistake people make.  You need fat for health.  Low fat diets were the worst disaster ever in the history of weight loss programs.  You need good fats for endurance, metabolism, hormone production and to remove fat soluble toxins from your body.  Many toxins store in fat cells.  

Tip #3 – Sometimes extra weight is water weight.  Get to know these three herbs; plantain, nettle and parsley.  Drink these as a tea, take powdered forms or buy them fresh, juice them, or eat them on salads.  These herbs will flush excess water weight off your body in a hurry.  

Tip #4 – Feed your thyroid.  It’s the master metabolism gland and it goes wacky all the time because of the world we live in today.  Here are the basics that will heal your thyroid; good fats (coconut oil best for thyroid), grounding technologies (earthing pads), quality iodine (kelp, black walnuts) and removing heavy metals from your body.

Tip #5 – Balance estrogen.  Stubborn fat.  Heard of it?  You do everything right but can’t lose the last 10-15lbs?  Having worked with both men and women for many years, yes ladies, it is more challenging for you, sorry.  If you are estrogen dominant, which is very common these days, you need to focus on this concern.  There is too much to go into here, but my classes on hormone balancing are free on my website. 

So what is the truth about weight loss?  You are in charge.  Period.  Many people just don’t have the drive or motivation to do it.  The truth is - there is no magic pill, special program or new technology.  Stop looking for it.  Take charge of your life.  Advertising has convinced us that a super duper product will save us.  We are here to educate you and help you.  There is no power in a weight loss pill.  Knowledge is power.  Your mind, determination and strength will restore your health.  There are tools available to help you in this journey, but only you can take the first step.

-          Vaughn Lawrence, Spirit of Health

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Candida and Fungal Infections Support Network

Welcome to your support network for candida and fungal issues:  This is an introduction to some of the issues we will be dealing with in this support group.  I also would like everyone to read this in detail to get a foundation of some basic principles.  We will go into much more detail within the upcoming classes, all of which will be videotaped and posted for free on the internet.

I have developed a protocol for dealing with candida.  This is the combination of my knowledge, and different programs by well respected natural healers, all of whom have clinical experience in dealing with and overcoming candida and fungal infections.  Kansas City NEEDS this information badly, so let's get started and spread the good news!  -  Vaughn Lawrence

1.  Bacteria/Candida/Fungus is EVERYWHERE
-  Trillions of organisms live symbiotically with us.  They are on our bodies, in every breath we take, every plant and animal we touch and on every doorknob, chair and item of clothing we wear.   There is a reason we have an imbalance of these organisms in our body.  We should not be scared of them.  We should stop trying to kill and destroy them with antibiotics.  We need to learn about and understand them.  The body is very good and well adapted at dealing with these issues.  You will never get rid of a candida problem by "avoiding" candida. 

2.  Rarely is someone a "victim" of candida
-  If you have a candida overgrowth in your body, it is there for a reason.  It will not happen in a healthy person.  It is a "clean-up crew."  It cleans up debris and garbage in our body and bloodstream.  It is trying to deal with some type of major infection or toxicity in your body.  It will be there to fight a disease process or condition.  This could be AIDS, cancer or some other type of major immune system battle.  This may be from heavy metal exposure like mercury or aluminum, or an infection in your gallbladder, liver or intestinal tract.  This is why many people go on candida diets, feel better, than the problem comes right back when they come off the diet. 

3.  Candida is easy to get rid of, unless it is embedded deeply in your body
-  If you stop feeding the yeast organisms, and follow a very simple protocol of herbs and cleansing, you can knock this out in 2 weeks or less.  HOWEVER, if the underlying reason of why it is there is not found or addressed, it will very likely come back!

4. You can feel better in 2 weeks, but it may take months to fully heal
-  We know people are always looking for the quick fix.  When you have been suffering for a long time, feeling better is a great first step.  Many people don't know how great they can possibly feel!  But once the candida is cleared, we still need to continue to cleanse and build the organs and glands of the body, especially in more serious cases.

Upcoming Classes

- Intro to Candida and Fungal infections
- Protocol to eliminate candida from the body
- FOOD - Understanding best foods to eat or avoid.  Basic food combining principles. 

- Long-term solutions to cleansing and healing the body
- Food sharing and recipes, demo on making fermented foods

Your in Health,


Friday, December 3, 2010

Mcdonald's bailed out by government!

McDonald's got hundreds of millions in bail out money

McDonald's got hundreds of millions in bail out money

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A Fed-bailed out burger joint.
I'm not lovin' it.
Yesterday the long-awaited Fed bailout data was released. For those interested in perusing it, you can find it here in all of its .xls- and .csv-formatted glory.
Since 2007, Bernake has been working overtime handing out US taxpayer dollars to banks, corporations -- and many foreign entities and even the Republic of Korea. He gave away $3 TRILLION!  Goldman Sachs would have gone bankrupt without the help.
What you may not have heard is that even McDonald's was bailed out -- to the tune of $203 million. The Fed bought up some toxic debt of the food giant because hey, we all know that McDonald's bottom line is crucial to the American economy.
Meanwhile, all those homeowners who were the subject of predatory loans, and whose paperwork the banks failed to handle per the law -- they're out of luck and won't get a dime.
But at least their burger is further subsidized by the government, making it easier to keep eating their way into cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Then they're on their own once again, to deal with the government-bloated predatory "health care" system.
Only in America.
Watch Dylan Ratigan report: