I have developed a protocol for dealing with candida. This is the combination of my knowledge, and different programs by well respected natural healers, all of whom have clinical experience in dealing with and overcoming candida and fungal infections. Kansas City NEEDS this information badly, so let's get started and spread the good news! - Vaughn Lawrence
1. Bacteria/Candida/Fungus is EVERYWHERE
- Trillions of organisms live symbiotically with us. They are on our bodies, in every breath we take, every plant and animal we touch and on every doorknob, chair and item of clothing we wear. There is a reason we have an imbalance of these organisms in our body. We should not be scared of them. We should stop trying to kill and destroy them with antibiotics. We need to learn about and understand them. The body is very good and well adapted at dealing with these issues. You will never get rid of a candida problem by "avoiding" candida.
2. Rarely is someone a "victim" of candida
- If you have a candida overgrowth in your body, it is there for a reason. It will not happen in a healthy person. It is a "clean-up crew." It cleans up debris and garbage in our body and bloodstream. It is trying to deal with some type of major infection or toxicity in your body. It will be there to fight a disease process or condition. This could be AIDS, cancer or some other type of major immune system battle. This may be from heavy metal exposure like mercury or aluminum, or an infection in your gallbladder, liver or intestinal tract. This is why many people go on candida diets, feel better, than the problem comes right back when they come off the diet.
3. Candida is easy to get rid of, unless it is embedded deeply in your body
- If you stop feeding the yeast organisms, and follow a very simple protocol of herbs and cleansing, you can knock this out in 2 weeks or less. HOWEVER, if the underlying reason of why it is there is not found or addressed, it will very likely come back!
4. You can feel better in 2 weeks, but it may take months to fully heal
- We know people are always looking for the quick fix. When you have been suffering for a long time, feeling better is a great first step. Many people don't know how great they can possibly feel! But once the candida is cleared, we still need to continue to cleanse and build the organs and glands of the body, especially in more serious cases.
Upcoming Classes
- Intro to Candida and Fungal infections
- Protocol to eliminate candida from the body
- FOOD - Understanding best foods to eat or avoid. Basic food combining principles.
- Long-term solutions to cleansing and healing the body
- Food sharing and recipes, demo on making fermented foods
Your in Health,
I'm looking forward to attending all of these upcoming classes! I am so grateful for your generosity in sharing this important education. Thanks, esther