Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Body Ecology - Satisfy Sweet Cravings, How to Eat Out on the Program and Snack Ideas

Cravings - How to satisfy your sweet tooth:

Try Stevia in a cup of tea.  It tastes sweet, but does not feed yeast or contain sugar.  It balances the blood sugar in your body actually.  Artificial sweeteners are not allowed as they suppress the immune system. 

Try apple cider vinegar on your vegetables and drinking it in water.  This balances our system and helps fight sugar cravings.

Eat sweet tasting vegetables as often as desired.  Carrots, onion, butternut and acorn squash.

Drink water with fresh lemon or lime juice.  Often we are just dehydrated. 

Eat green algaes to reduce cravings and provide nutrition

When you eat salty food, such as meat or eggs, your body may start to crave sweets.  Make sure to balance the meat protein with vegetables to avoid the cravings. 

Kefir in morning helps with cravings.  Colon cleansing helps also.

Sugar binge:
DON’T CHEAT.  If you do, don’t wallow in guilt.  Get back on track.  Take a glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and ½ cup of cultured vegetables to minimize symptoms. 

Alcoholics have candida that has often spread to their liver.  This program is amazing and healing for alcoholics.  Drinking two cups of young coconut kefir each day works wonders for preventing cravings of sugar and alcohol. 

Hormones and Sugar:
Women have a tough time just before their monthly cleansing.  They unknowingly eat too many salt and animal proteins or have too much stress.  This is very constricting on the body.  When the cycle starts and the body needs to “open” to shed the lining of the uterus, they crave sugar, an expansive food.  Progesterone increases, causing an increase in blood sugars which feeds yeast and increases cravings for more.  It is important to break this sugar habit and stevia can help with that, along with the above tips.

Make special requests, they’re used to it with so many people with special diets these days.  Get fresh fish or chicken with steamed veggies or a nice salad.  It is possible to eat out and eat healthy!  Order a plain salad with lemon wedges.  Get extra virgin olive oil.  Most restaurants have vegetable side dished like steamed broccoli and green beans.  You can bring home made salad dressing with you. 

This can be tough, but eat a meal before going to the party to help resist temptation.  Bring one of your great dishes to share with everyone at the party.  Yes, these healthy foods and recipes do taste great. 

As you optimize digestion and you are no longer full, bloated or gassy, you may feel hungry.  Here are snack ideas
-          Keep celery sticks and carrots handy
-          Use salad dressing from recipe section as a dip
-          Eat baked blue corn chips with cultured veggies
-          Try raw pumpkin seeds with celery sticks
-          Drink young coconut water kefir (great at bedtime)
-          Keep pot of soup in refrigerator to heat as needed
-          Chew on Nori or other sea veggies
-          Eat young coconut meat or fermented kefir cheese

Dr. Vaughn

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