Colon Cleansing:
It’s critical to keeping your body healthy, and more importantly to someone trying to restore health and balance to a toxic body. Everyone has 7-10 lbs minimum of undigested waste accumulated in their colons. Look at your digestive tract like the roots of a tree. The roots take in nutrients to feed the entire tree, along branches and out to the leaves. If our digestive system (our root system) isn’t functioning properly or there is a blockage, the rest of the body will suffer. Gray hair comes from a blocked, stagnant colon which affects mineral absorption. You do not have to get gray hair just because you’re getting older! This accumulated waste becomes a breeding ground for infectious organisms like parasites, candida, fungus and viruses.
When you cleanse your colon, you can expect amazing results: More energy, inner calm, mental clarity, decreased cravings for sugar, better sleep and it slows the aging process. Faithful attention to cleansing will prevent disease and slow the aging process. Diseases represent a lifetime accumulation of toxins and impurities the body has not cleaned out.
Putrefaction occurs when foods decay in the colon and generate toxins, resulting in a foul odor. The colon should be clean enough for foods to pass through with a minimal timeframe. It depends on the foods you eat and the beneficial bacteria lining your gut. Transit time should be 12-24 hours, but most Americans are in the 65 to 100 hour range. This is a recipe for disaster. A healthy stool should be fully formed, not runny or mushy, and crumbles into pieces when flushed. You should never strain, but go within seconds after sitting on the toilet.
What damages the colon? White processed foods are like paste in the body. Sugar, dairy from the grocery store and high meat consumption all cause damage to the colon. Overeating causes a backup as well, along with stress and anger issues. Fatigue can affect your energy to eliminate properly.
How to Cleanse the Colon:
Enemas have been used throughout history by cultures around the world. This was standard medical procedure until less than 50 years ago even in the United States. Doctors would actually make house calls and help people perform enemas for healing. Coffee enemas are great retention enemas, where you hold the liquid for 15 minutes, then release. Cleaning enemas are not held, but used to simply flush out the colon.
Colonics are much better, easier and convenient way to cleanse the colon. It bathes the entire length of the colon. You want to work with a trained colon hydro therapist who can walk you through the process and will often massage your colon to help break off impacted fecal matter. Colon cleansing does not wash away friendly bacteria in the mucosal lining. An unhealthy colon has no beneficial bacteria anyway, and there will be no way to re-establish healthy bacteria until the waste is removed.
Colon assistance:
Fiber is critical. This can be flax, psyllium (drink LOTS of water) and high fiber foods. Fermented foods keep the colon clean and help friendly bacteria to grow. Drinking enough water is critical as well. Exercise stimulates peristalsis. Your dog eats, goes for a walk, then poops. As should we!
Dr. Vaughn
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