More specific regarding foods on the program:
Animal protein foods:
These do not feed fungus, but never eat more than 20% of your meal with animal protein. Combining these with raw, cultured vegetables is very important. This will protect you from the toxic by-products created by animal proteins in the body and protect you from parasites. Buy animal protein free of antibiotics and growth hormones. Buy beef that is 100% grass fed. Cows do not eat corn or grains, they only should eat grass. A program too high in animal protein is never a good idea, but works in the beginning of this program to keep strength levels high. You can later increase grain and vegetable intake, decreasing animal proteins. Fish is the preferred meat, 3x weekly would be great. Salmon and sardines are also very healthy.
Eggs are extremely healthy, the entire egg. Forget about eating only egg whites. That is actually the hardest part to digest and the nutrients are actually in the yolk. Eggs are best in the afternoon. Eggs over easy in coconut oil is a great way to eat them. Eggs are very misunderstood. They are high in lecithin which helps you digest fat and they will raise good cholesterol levels. Combine them with alkaline vegetables for balance, and raw uncultured vegetables are best.
Menu Tip:
Try vegetable or ocean vegetable omelets. Eggs are great with steamed greens, or scrambled with onions, scallions or red bell peppers. Nothing works better to aid digestion then cultured vegetables - eat with every meal when possible. Digestive enzymes are helpful, or hydrochloric acid capsules. Drinking a couple of teaspoons of raw, apple cider vinegar with the mother throughout a meal is greatly beneficial. Cayenne pepper also stimulates hydrochloric acid production, as do digestive bitters before a meal.
Nuts and Seeds:
In the beginning three months, stick to soaked almonds. Cover almonds with purified water in glass or stainless steel container overnight or for 12 hours. Drain and refrigerate. To sprout, soak almonds in sprouting jar 8-12 hours then drain. Turn upside down for 8 hours, then refrigerate in an airtight container or use a dehydrator.
Flax, sunflower, pumpkin and caraway seeds work well. They digest more easily if soaked and/or sprouted like almonds. They are great in green salads, but eat in small quantities.
There are four, gluten-free grains allowed. They are quinoa (keen-wah), amaranth, buckwheat and millet. They are available at most health food stores. Combine these with vegetables using the 80/20 rule. Never over eat these grains, which slow down digestion. You can use flours, but the whole grain is always best. Soak grains in water 8-24 hours. Soaking increase digestion.
The most abundant and most perfect foods available on the planet. Leafy greens are rich in chlorophyll and clean the blood. Root vegetables provide strength and warmth in the winter.
Ocean Vegetables:
These are loaded with minerals, build the immune system and support proper thyroid function. Choose the following:
Sea Palm
Cook sea veggies with sweet vegetables like onions and carrots for a nice balance.
Vegetables to Avoid:
Beets (unless fermented), parsnips, sweet potatoes, and yams – high in sugar
Mushrooms – Too expansive
Tomatoes – Ok in season with green salads. When cooked, very acid forming.
Eggplant and Green Bell Peppers – Nightshade family, irritate nervous system
Russet Potatoes – Too high in sugar and feed yeast (ironically the only potatoes used by fast food companies like McDonald’s)
Indoor, tray-grown wheatgrass
Mung Bean Sprouts – Contain mold
Raw vs. Cooked:
People with poor digestion have problems with raw foods. Start with mostly steamed vegetables. Cultured vegetables are the exception and easily digestible by anyone. Try a daily salad and ½ cup cultured (fermented) veggies with your meals each day.
Cooking Tip:
When steaming veggies, many nutrients fall into the water. Be sure to drink and/or reuse this water in soups.
In the beginning, only lemons, limes, black currants and cranberries are allowed because they do not feed yeast. You can later introduce other fruits, starting with grapefruit and kiwis. Eating fruit too soon can bring back candida symptoms. It may take a year or longer depending on the severity of your situation. Eat fruits alone on an empty stomach. However, with lemons and limes you may freely use them with drinks, teas, fish or other animal proteins and salads.
Most herbs are welcome. Use liberally for seasoning on foods. Ginger, garlic, cayenne and turmeric are all highly recommended.
Fermented Foods:
Avoid salted, pasteurized sauerkraut, amasake, miso, soy sauce, tamari, tempeh and rejuvelac. Ok to eat are raw apple cider vinegar with the mother, fermented young coconut, raw, cultured vegetables made with cabbage, carrots, daikon, garlic, celery, kelp and herbs. These cultured vegetables are amazing for controlling sugar cravings! You can make your own or buy them at a health food store. ½ cup per day minimum, especially with grain and protein meals. They are worth the effort.
Water is critical. Add lemon and a drop of stevia if you don’t like the taste of water. Chlorine and fluoride destroy friendly bacteria, so tap water is best avoided. Adya clarity or a quality mineral supplement is ideal for cleaning and preparing the water, while adding minerals. If you crave sweets, try drinking water first, it may kill the craving.
Healing anti-fungal teas are very beneficial during this time. Pau D’arco, Cat’s Claw, Burdock Root, Dandelion and so many others are all excellent choices. Ginger tea will enhance digestion.
Unrefined, Organic Seed Oils:
Safflower, sunflower, pumpkin seed, hemp, evening primrose, borage, and flax seed are best in salad dressings. Coconut oil, butter and ghee are all great for sautéing. Always buy organic, cold pressed, unrefined oils in dark glass, amber colored bottles.
This provides critical Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that must be obtained from food. These oils add health benefits and flavor to the program. All refined oils and margarine must be completely removed from your life. The above listed oils will increase oxygen levels, assist with weight loss, increase energy levels, normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels, build the immune system, reduce inflammation in the body, and give your skin a healthy glow. These oils also fight depression, emotional problems, ADHD and even schizophrenia. Do not cook these seed oils, but use them in salad dressings or sprinkle on fish, chicken or steamed vegetables after cooking. Eat a minimum of 1-2 Tablespoons daily. They are also good added to grains, leafy greens and soups. Pumpkin oil has specific benefits for fighting parasites and healing the prostate gland in men, while nourishing the ovaries for women.
Coconut Oil, Butter and Ghee:
Coconut oil is one of the healthiest foods you can eat, contrary to mainstream belief. There is an incredible misunderstanding about coconut oil, perpetrated largely by the hydrogenated soy industry that coconut is bad for you. THIS COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.
Coconut oil is excellent for heart health, healing for the thyroid, assists with weight loss and is loaded with beneficial saturated fats that are contained in every cell of the human body. For example, human breast milk contains mostly saturated fat needed by infants for development. Coconut oil is also a powerful anti-fungal agent. Coconut oil is great for cooking.
Ghee is clarified butter, the oil of butter with the solids removed. Ghee is less mucus forming and contains no lactose (milk sugar). Ghee keeps fine at room temperature and has a longer shelf life than butter. To make your own ghee, melt 2-4 ¼ pound sticks of butter in a sauce pan over low heat. It will start bubbling and you will see white milk solids gathering at the surface. Allow the solids to clear away from the surface without burning for a few minutes, then remove from heat. The solids will sink to the bottom and you can strain the clear yellow liquid into a jar. It is fine at room temp or in the refrigerator.
Raw, organic butter is best, but not easy to find. Avoid margarine at all costs.
Fat Intolerance:
It is possible that until balance is restored, you may have an issue digesting fats. This is especially true with a congested gallbladder and/or liver. Symptoms include pain in the neck and shoulders, spasms in the large and small intestines, feeling tired immediately after eating, bloating, indigestion, belching, gas, nausea, pain in the right upper abdominal and hard stools. Eliminating fats for a week and noting improved digestion is the easiest indicator. A small amount of extra virgin, organic coconut oil should not be a problem.
Heart healthy:
Especially good foods for normalizing cholesterol levels include daikon, raw vegetables (carrots, red peppers, broccoli and cauliflower), lemons (and later, grapefruit), garlic, ginger, fish oils, unrefined oils like coconut, flax and olive and friendly bacteria (probiotics and fermented foods).
Foods to Avoid:
Alcohol – feeds yeast
Breads and flour products, grains and pastas (except for ones listed) – High gluten and yeast feeding
Citric Acids found in many foods and teas
Legumes, Peas, Peanuts – Hard to digest, high in fungus and ferments producing sugars
Mushrooms – Allergic reactions
Nuts, nut butters, and nut milks – Too acid forming and hard to digest
Oils (besides above) – Canola, soy, peanut, toasted sesame, etc.
Sugars – Honey, molasses, corn syrup, dextrose, brown rice syrup, barley malt, etc. feeds yeast
Yeast – Baking and brewer’s yeast – Causes allergies
You need to wait three months to your body is balanced before beginning to juice. Juicing is very alkaline and great for overcoming acidic conditions in the body. They are easy to digest and incredibly healing for a variety of illnesses.
Juices have high amounts of natural sugars and can feed your condition. They do not combine with other foods. Therefore, do not juice until your yeast is under control. This will take at least three months, along with colon cleansing and re-establishing beneficial bacteria into the colon. When you do begin juicing, take note of any potential reaction that tells your body you are not ready, and always drink juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
Dr. Vaughn
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