I have committed to one year on the Body Ecology Program. I want to tell you why I have chosen this program to follow, the premise behind it and what I hope to achieve and accomplish.
Disease is out of control in America, and only getting worse. Modern medicine will not be finding any "cures" EVER! So stopping throwing your money away at these events to "cure" disease. There are thousands of way to heal the body from all varieties of illness. This program doesn't "cure" anything, it just makes your body 100% completely healthy and balanced, see the difference?
There are many programs out there, weight loss plans, gimmicks, magic pills and none of them work. Weight loss programs want money, not to teach you how to be healthy, that would take away from their revenues, ever think of that?
Body Ecology is about completely restoring health to the individual by removing the things from our daily lives that cause sickness and imbalance and adding foods that create life. What is amazing about Body Ecology is that it teaches you how human beings have been eating throughout history!
It isn't hard. It's only hard for people addicted to Mcdonald's, beer, soda and cookies. This isn't what humans have been eating EVER in history until the last 75 years or so. Wake up! Your food IS killing you, it may happen slowly or quickly, but it will happen eventually!
My goal is to completely heal and restore my body back to the health I enjoyed as a teenager. I want vibrant energy, I want to heal quickly when I get cut or injured, I want to feel amazing ALL the time, I want to live an incredibly active lifestyle, I want to have a clear, sharp mind that has no problem remembering anything. Who doesn't want that?
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